Sterling Claymore

Tim Barnett, Director of Shoreline Events Ltd:
“We’ve been working with Stirling to develop the clear ball for nearly one year now. All our Call To Duty events require clear shell, clear fill balls because the series is played at non-paintball venues such as military establishments, industrial complexes or in the latest example, islands in the Adriatic that are located within a Protected Natural Area. Our first two events were played in extremely hostile conditions with temperatures as low as -14c. However, Call To Duty III represented a different challenge as the product would be used in the searing heat of a Croatian summer where temperatures rose above 38c.

Having the best paintball is critical for these games. Players from all over the world travel to attend and if the paint is substandard, then the event is over before it begins. It’s not an option to have underperforming paint at these special events.

The paint used at Call To Duty III was phenomenal, and I don’t use that phrase lightly. I didn’t hear of a single barrel break during the entire event, it flew straight and true and proved extremely durable in the hot conditions and the players were unanimous in their praise of the product.

Call To Duty IV and Call To Duty V will be taken place in extremely hot, and extremely cold locations respectively in 2012 and I’ll have no hesitation in using Stirling Paintballs as our official event ball for future Call To Duty games.”

Player Testimonials from Call To Duty III
The paint was ace, i opened an checked each box of mine when i was given them, they had no dipples or air bubbles, i kept them out of the direct sun an didnt get any balls sticking together and my fluffy came home unused?!?. Top paint for a top game simples. – TimmyR
The paint was second to none. Every shot went where I wanted every time. The best paint i have ever used. Madmanc
Spot on Paint – Coaxial
Was excellent no barrel breaks – Cessle
Great job by Sterling, quality product. Listening to Shoreline explain the process that was followed when choosing paint supplier and also the extra effort Sterling put into getting it spot on its amazing for a new player to hear that so much thought is put into it. WJDunk
The paint was perfect, shot straight, no barrel breaks none broken in the bag. Might have to give the rest of your paintline a try out if this is the quality you guys work to. 3Bird
Great paint no probs all weekend. Big thanks. Sully
Fair play to Sterling for their paint, to go from Call To Duty II (-14) to Call To Duty III in Croatia (38 degrees at times) what more can you say? I did not have a single barrel burst all weekend and did not have any stick either. The paint was one of the factors that helped make the weekend what it was because if there had been problems it had the potential to ruin the whole game . one again great job to Sterling paint. Keep the good work up. Jimmi